Support Us

Resident Member Application

Please support us by joining the Association. Complete this online form.

Fields marked with asterisk (*) are required. Any others are optional notes. For name, please enter individual or household name, eg Smith or Smith/Jones.

On receipt of your application we will be in touch regarding method of payment. Please indicate in the ‘Payment method’ dropdown field how you would like to pay.

    Household Details

    Name *

    Address line 1 *

    Address line 2

    Town/city *

    Postcode *

    Membership *

    Payment method *

    If paying by cash/cheque please post or deliver payment to The Treasurer, Dovenden, Woodchurch Road, Tenterden TN30 7AE, or to TDRA c/o Webbs of Tenterden, 45 High Street, Tenterden TN30 6BH. If members wish to pay their donation directly into the TDRA account, the details are:

    Account name: Tenterden and District Residents’ Association
    Sort code: 60-21-20
    Account number: 59087145

    For standing order please download the standing order form (PDF, 19Kb) and send the completed form to The Treasurer, Woodchurch Road, Tenterden TN30 7AE, or to TDRA c/o Webbs of Tenterden, 45 High Street, Tenterden TN30 6BH.

    Primary Member Details (for billing and enquiries)

    Title *

    First name *

    Last name *

    Email *

    Additional email, eg partner (optional)

    Main phone *
