NOT/2024/0914 – Land between Woodchurch Road and Appledore Road
We have the following comments on the architectural design and will follow up with comments on the ecological proposals shortly.
External Finishes
- We object to the use of ‘composite cladding’ if it is plastic as it would contravene:
- Tenterden Neighbourhood Plan (TNP) – Policy TEN NP4 a) Is designed to a high quality which responds to the heritage and distinctive character of the individual area in which it is located by way of: i. height, scale, density, layout, orientation, design and materials of buildings
- TNP Appendix 1: Tenterden Design Code – 2.10 Building Materials 2.
- We object to the proposed colour of brick; overuse of black weather boarding and black roof tiles as well as the colour of the hanging tiles as they are not vernacular to Tenterden and do not uphold the traditional appearance of local building materials and would contravene the following:
- TNP Appendix 1: Tenterden Design Code – 2.10 Building Materials 3.
- We object to any solid wall boundary treatment as this would impair permeability for roaming wildlife and contravene:
- TNP Appendix 1: Tenterden Design Code – 2.11 Boundary Line and Boundary Treatment.
- We object to the lack of vernacular detailing to the buildings contravening the following:
- TNP Appendix 1: Tenterden Design Code – 2.9 Architectural Details 5.
- We object to the lack of traditional roof line contravening:
- TNP Appendix 1: Tenterden Design Code – 2.7 Building Heights and Roofline
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Friday 5th July 2024
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