15/00930/AS – Breton Court, Grange Road, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6EE
Erection of conservatory to entrance of existing building with new trellis and changes to fenestration; erection of additional 26 bedroom care home building and associated works
TDRA: Objection issued 26.07.15
I am writing on behalf of the TDRA to submit an objection to the above planning application for the following reasons:
The scale of the proposed building will adversely impact the historical setting of the listed building
Insufficient detail and description of proposed quality of materials to ensure the highest quality construction and design in such a sensitive location
- The proposal is not sympathetic to the adjacent listed building:
- The scale of the proposed building will adversely impact the historical setting of the listed building
- Insufficient detail and description of proposed quality of materials to ensure the highest quality construction and design in such a sensitive location
- There will be significant impact on traffic levels on an already congested road
- There is insufficient parking provision as a whole, with a consequence of more congestion on surrounding roads by overflow parking in these areas
- The proposed entrance does not meet Highways requirements for adequate visibility
- Likely over intensification of limited access points to the site by staff, visitors, residents and service vehicles
Posted by Planning Committee
Sunday 26th July 2015
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