21/00891/AS – Replacement of existing retail shop and store with 1no. three-bed detached dwelling and 2no. three-bed semi-detached dwellings, with associated amenity gardens and parking at New Blue Barn Store, Ashford Road, St Michaels, Tenterden, Ashford, Kent TN30 6PR

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to support concerns by the local community about loss of heritage as a result of the proposed layout of this development.

The concern is over the brick building behind the existing retail shop.Constructed in the late 19th century the building served to house the generator of the district acetylene gas distribution system that provided lighting gas for streets, post office, school, church and others from the Victorian period for some three decades until replaced by electricity. It was a pioneer project, as the first such independent community alternative gas installation in the UK and is now an ionic remnant of that period, and is well known to the existing community.

This disposition of this historic feature should be addressed sensitively in this application, perhaps being relocated within the St Michaels town centre. This is of significance as the site is located within the St Michaels conservation area.

TDRA Planning Secretary

Posted by Planning Committee
Friday 11th June 2021

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