21/00539/AS – Erection of new commercial cattery & office with the associated change of use of the application at Belcot Manor Farm, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7LT
I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to this planning application for the following reasons:
- This site lies within AONB designated land and therefore this proposal would be completely inappropriate both in scale and visual harm to the setting.
- The adjacent hedge boundary is low and would not conceal this development.
- This development would be within the front garden curtilage of the main house so highly visible and totally insensitive to the context.
- There would be increased vehicular traffic down a PRoW, increasing safety concerns for pedestrians along this normally quiet route.
- The owner has already prematurely removed three of the mature trees shown on the plan along the drive.
- The buildings shown at Hopes Grove are actually fabric covered “polytunnels” (so a temporary tent like structure) so the plan is misleading as the massing looks more appropriate than is the actual case.
- There is no mention of lighting and given the recent cases of pet theft it is likely that a security system will be added resulting in light pollution within AONB.
- The PRoW (AB35) is very well used and the proposals will detract from the amenity value for the users enjoying the AONB.
- The plans have omitted the second PRoW (AB39) across the field heading south towards Tilder Gill which forms part of the High Weald Landscape Trail. The visual amenity for users of this designated route will be severely compromised.
TDRA Planning Secretary
Posted by Planning Committee
Friday 30th April 2021
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