21/00004/AS – Extension and Refurbishment of Tenterden Town Hall, 24 High Street, Tenterden Kent TN30 6AN
I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to comment on this planning application for the following reasons:
- Generally we support the proposals, however we do have concerns about the proposed design of the fenestration to the North Elevation – we feel that the use of aluminium is not appropriate for a Listed Building, particularly as the use of timber framed windows is typically enforced within the Conservation Area generally.
- In addition, the windows are not sympathetic to the character of the surrounding context both in design and proportion, they lack detailing and intricacy. We would like to see this element re-designed to a more sensitive proposal that respects the existing Listed building and surrounding Conservation Area.
Siggi Nepp
TDRA Planning Secretary
Posted by Palnning Committee
Thursday 14th January 2021
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