19/01669/AS – Redevelopment to form 54 apartments for older people at Smallhythe House, Tawny Bank, Oakengates, Woodberry and Micken Lodge, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7LN

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to this planning application for the following reasons:

  • We are very concerned about the location of the road entrance to the proposed development and the adjacent busy entrance to the Tesco carpark on Longfield road. We feel this poses a significant safety risk to other traffic and pedestrians due to the short distance between the two junctions.
  • We are very concerned about the likely impact of the additional traffic generated by the proposed development to an already congested road, particularly at peak times.
  • Many residents feel that Tenterden does not need another retirement home.

Siggi Nepp
TDRA Planning Secretary

Posted by Planning Committee
Friday 13th December 2019

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