19/00715/AS – Erection of apartment block containing 7 dwellings, a carport with a dwelling over along with associated parking and amenities on land at Homewood School adjoining Fire Station, Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent
I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to this application for the following reasons:
- Over intensification of development on a site that is near to ancient woodland and ponds – adversely impacting the surrounding ecology.
- Insufficient parking provision – national design guidance is 1.75 assigned spaces per 2 bedroom apartment – only 1 space per apartment has been provided with one shared visitor space between all the 7 flats. This is likely to impact the already congested nearby road ways.
- Potential impact on a nearby badger set – evidence should be submitted to support any conclusions on potential impact to this badger set and surrounding wildlife.
- Likely privacy issues caused by overlooking to neighbouring properties due to height of proposed buildings – 3 storeys.
- It is our position is that any significant development over and above the current Local Plan should be considered completely unsustainable.
Siggi Nepp
TDRA Planning Secretary
Posted by Planning Committee
Wednesday 10th July 2019
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