18/01637/AS – Change of Use of part of amenity garden to provide two new semi detached dwellings with outbuildings and amenity facilities at Ashburnham House, Ashford Road, St Michaels, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6SR
I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to this application for the following reasons:
- The proposed site is located in open countryside, beyond the urban zone of St Michaels resulting in more unsustainable and unsuitable sprawl along the A28 towards High Halden. This would set an undesirable precedent for future linear development and would impact on the individual character and identity of the village of St Michaels. In Para 3.187 of the ABC Local Plan it states, “The Council is concerned that unplanned erosion of countryside between built up areas would have a serious and significant adverse impact on the character and individual identity of
villages through loss of their setting or, more seriously, through coalescence. This could occur in a variety of locations across the borough, for example by the large scale expansion of villages to encompass nearby hamlets; through progressive ‘ribbon’ or linear development along roads that joins up settlements, or through the expansion of Ashford itself.”
- Increased vehicular movements causing more congestion near to an already busy road junction.
Siggi Nepp – Planning Secretary
Posted by Planning Committee
Sunday 18th November 2018
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