18/01594/AS – Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of 7 residential units, with associated access, parking, landscaping and drainage at The Pines, Smallhythe Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 7LN
I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to this application for the following reasons:
- Site access – The entrance from the proposed housing to Smallhythe Road is a significant issue as it is close to the new road junction serving Three Fields development and also almost directly opposite the entrance to Morghew. The Transport Statement appears to be lacking – the visibility splay is based on a 30mph speed limit and we believe the speed limit in this area is 60mph coming into Tenterden so the “y” distance should be 70m ( as the road is straight this isn’t likely to be an issue). There could also be an issue with junction spacing which is missing entirely from the analysis – the detailed extracts from TRICS are unnecessary but this should have been picked up. There should be 60m between adjacent junctions and 30m between a left-right combination (i.e for traffic going to the potato shop). The KCC design guide (page 123) is relevant in this instance. Unfortunately we were unable to accurately scale the drawings, but felt these points needed to be raised.
- Visual impact – The density and scale of the proposed development would be an over intensification of the site causing visual harm to the surrounding context and eroding an essential green buffer zone along the existing stream.
- Green infrastructure – The erosion of the green buffer zone would have a direct negative impact on existing wildlife and ecology.
Siggi Nepp – Planning Secretary
Posted by Planning Committee
Sunday 24th March 2019
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