18/00858/AS – Land South and East of Tilden Gill Road, Tenterden, Kent

Proposal: Variation of conditions 5 (tree works) & 8 (highways improvements) on planning permission reference 14/01420/AS

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to comment on this application for the following reasons:

a) The right turn lane is too narrow at 2.2 m –a standard HGV body without the mirrors is 2.5m wide The unrestricted parking on the west of Beacon Oak Road will impact on the visibility splay and queuing traffic – it already causes a hazard due to parking opposite the junction from Craythorne so the actual lane widths will be much narrower. This is the HGV route to Tenterden from Woodchurch Road since Golden Square was downgraded so an issue.

b) There will be increased queuing on Beacon Oak Road as currently two lines of cars can wait at the stop line for three cars (16.5m) length. Queuing on Ashford Road will occur where none does now with consequent air quality and noise issues.

c) There will be an interaction with the “Lollipop” man outside Homewood School that is likely to be chaotic at first.

d) There will be a longer journey time to Appledore due to the lights

e) Is there a planting plan for the reclaimed road space?

The potential positives:

a) Traffic speed on Beacon Oak Road and Ashford Road should reduce (recent speed surveys by the police found a number of vehicles travelling in excess of 50mph in a 30mph zone)

b) Pedestrians crossing on both Beacon Oak Road and Ashford Road will be significantly safer.

Siggi Nepp – Planning Secretary

Posted by Planning Committee
Monday 16th July 2018

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