17/00708/AS – Land north of 14 Westwell Court, Tenterden, Kent

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden and District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to application 17/00708/AS located at Land north of 14 Westwell Court, Tenterden for the following reasons:

Site Access

There is much concern regarding the access constraints to the site, and the detrimental effect of large vehicular site traffic as well as increased traffic generated by the development to Westwell Court residents. The existing roads are narrow and were not built to cope with the inevitable increase in traffic flow – in fact there is already significant congestion/ constriction caused by non-resident parking. In addition according to the Kent Design Standards, a cul-de-sac should serve no more than 25 dwellings. The current proposals are not acceptable and will need to be re-considered to take into account the local residents’ concerns. We would suggest more public consultation to work together with local residents to find a mutually agreeable proposal.

Existing Foot Paths

We would expect a high quality landscape proposal to be submitted to mitigate the loss of historically important foot paths and vistas that are frequently used and enjoyed by many local residents. Local residents should have the chance to submit comments through public consultation to ensure that the proposals are mutually acceptable.

Gift of Land to Tenterden Town Council for Public Use

We would expect a formal proposal outlining the proposed gift of land to Tenterden Town Council for public use. The formal proposal/agreement should be made public with details of exact size and location of the land. This does not appear to have happened so far.

Sewerage Proposals

We have been made aware of considerable site constraints in realising the current sewerage proposal, relating largely to the significant gradients of the site. We would require demonstration that the current proposals are workable prior to construction.

Ecological Matters

We would expect a full and detailed Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) to be submitted well in advance of any construction on site. The CEMP outlining the ecological and mitigation proposals should be communicated to local residents through public consultation meetings to ensure full and clear understanding of the proposals as well as a chance for residents to submit feedback. There should also be put in place a regular and continuous monitoring of the implementation of the agreed proposals with representation from local interest groups and residents.

Architectural Design

For such a prominent position, we would expect the architectural design to reflect the vernacular style of Tenterden through the use of high quality materials and details. We feel that the current design proposals lack the required distinctiveness and sensitivity for a harmonious extension to the historic town centre. As stated in the Kent Design Guide – ‘The quality and detail of all materials and components will be of paramount importance. Such matters can easily be settled at feasibility stage…’

Please note that if the points above were to be addressed by the applicant in a satisfactory manner, the TDRA would be willing to support the application.

Posted by Planning Committee
Wednesday 7th June 2017

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