17/00708/AS – Erection of a fifty six bed care home and 23 units for assisted living on land north of 14 Westwell Court, Tenterden, Kent

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to comment on this application for the following reason:

Proposal: Erection of a fifty six bed care home and 23 units for assisted living (Use class C2) comprising 16 cottages and seven flats (including

Further to our previous objection letter, the amended proposals submitted on 21 September do not address our concerns relating to: – Site access constraints as described previously, in addition, the access route through an existing garden is unacceptable. – The partial loss of the existing footpath AB20 as described previously – Sewerage Proposals – site constraints are an ongoing concern and have not been addressed by these proposals – Ecological Matters – we note that there have been no further surveys conducted as requested by KCC Ecological Advice Service. In addition, it appears that the main part of the development infringes the existing badger sett – an offence under the Protection of Badgers Act 1992. – Architectural Design – the proposed materials are not sympathetic to the vernacular architecture of Tenterden and lack the quality expectations for such an important site. In addition, we consider this scale of development completely unsustainable in Tenterden, when considered in conjunction with the development already approved in the current Local Plan 2030.

Siggi Nepp – Planning Secretary

Posted by Planning Committee
Monday 29th October 2018

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