17/00708/AS – Erection of a fifty six bed care home and 23 units for assisted living (Use class C2) comprising 16 cottages and seven flats (including Manager’s accommodation) with associated landscaping, parking, stores and service areas, estate roads, access and landscaping buffers on land north of 14 Westwell Court, Tenterden, Kent

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) to object again to this application for the following reasons:

The recently submitted artist’s impression has not been supported by any view angles or location data, there is also no view of the existing site to compare this too. As there is no evidence to ensure that this artist’s impression is a reasonably accurate recording of the proposal it should be dismissed.

Siggi Nepp – Planning Secretary

Posted by Planning Committee
Monday 18th February 2019

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