16/01090/AS Land west of Shrubcote and south west of, Appledore Road, Tenterden, Kent

I am writing as Planning Secretary on behalf of the Tenterden and District Residents Association (TDRA) to object to the amended proposal for the erection of four detached dwellings and landscaping located at Land west of Shrubcote and south west of, Appledore Road, Tenterden, Kent. The amended proposal does not change our previous concerns as follows:

  • This development will have an adverse impact on the setting of Hales Place the grounds of which form an important “green lung” within the town and its conservation area.
  • This development would still have a significant detrimental impact on the woodland which has been developed over recent years within the grounds of Hales Place which is an attractive feature and wildlife habitat.
  • This site was rejected in the Tenterden and Rural Sites Development Plan Document. In our opinion it does not meet the criteria for an “infill site”.
  • Approval of development of this site would potentially open the way for further development of the fields to the south which abut the Tilden Gill site (recently granted outline planning permission on appeal) which would urbanise the entire area around Hales Place.

Posted by Planning Committee
Friday 3rd February 2017

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