16/00751/AS – Breton Court

‘…TDRA object to this application for a number of reasons: 1. The development is an over-intensive development of the site to the detriment of neighbouring properties which include listed buildings. 2. The provision of parking is inadequate for the proposed future size of the development when the needs of staff, visitors, service vehicles and emergency parking is taken into account. This will result in additional parking in Grange Road leading to frequent obstruction of this relatively narrow road. 3. The proposed surface water drainage for the development appears to be inadequate and to be reliant on non-existing land drains. It appears likely to cause flooding to adjacent properties. 4. The building works as proposed will have a serious detrimental impact on tree T7 which is subject of a Tree Preservation Order. 5. There is no established need for this additional capacity for care following developments of care homes at High Halden and Woodchurch.’

This application is currently being assessed by ABC.

Posted by Planning Committee
Tuesday 4th October 2016

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