15/01160/AS – Danemore, Beachy Path, Tenterden, Kent

Comment Issued: 15.10.15

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents’ Association (TDRA) regarding planning application 15/01160/AS – Danemore, Beachy Path, Tenterden, Kent and have the following objection comments:

We are concerned about the lack of parking provision for the site and the impact this will have on an already congested area. We suggest that all parking is provided by means of a below ground parking facility. This would avoid further reduction in soft landscaping on the site and too many unsightly vehicles.

We do not feel that the road access to the site will be adequate to accommodate the additional vehicular traffic (including delivery trucks), this is already a high density area.

We feel that the proposed density of this site will have a negative impact on adjoining neighbours as well as the inevitable impact on traffic, less units would help alleviate this.

We believe that a more far reaching road strategy would need to be considered for routes into town, with the resulting additional cars from this proposal – for example a one way designation to Oaks Lane.

Posted by Planning Committee
Sunday 18th October 2015

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