15/01017/AS – Homewood School and Sixth Form Centre, Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6LT

Comment Issued: 20.08.15

I am writing on behalf of the Tenterden & District Residents Association (TDRA) regarding the above planning application, with the following comments:

We are supportive of this application and acknowledge that the proposal has responded to many of our previous comments concerning impact on the constrained site and large size of the foot print. Unfortunately many of the existing trees will still be felled, however we acknowledge that there is provision for replacements.

We had hoped for more justification in an executive summary to understand the reasoning for this accommodation in more depth, both current and in the future.

On a further note, we would like to see more use of the Library and the Theatre facilities given for the local community, as originally agreed with the previous applications.

Posted by Planning Committee
Thursday 20th August 2015

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