15/00863/AS – Cloverbank Stables, Cranbrook Road, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6UJ

Change of use for the stationing of a mobile home for residential use by a gypsy family, the erection of decking and extension of hardstanding (retrospective)

TDRA: Objection issued 07.07.15

We are writing to object to the above planning application for the following reasons:

  • We believe the mobile home and buildings occupy a prominent position and would be inappropriate in an AONB.
  • We believe that this proposal would set a dangerous precedent, undermining the protection offered by the AONB status.
  • This site lies outside the Tenterden rural development zone.
  • This situation appears not to warrant a permanent residence for overseeing the animals, as these animals are predominantly privately owned, and this is not a significant commercial enterprise. This site is located in a very low risk crime area.

Further to our objection letter regarding the above application, we query the validity of the claim to ‘gypsy status’ and support the concerns of local residents near to the application site as outlined in the attached copy of a letter dated 16th July addressed to yourself.

Posted by Planning Committee
Tuesday 7th July 2015

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