15/00607/AS – Little Harbourne, Harbourne Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6SJ

New Entrance and Driveway

TDRA: Objection issued 04.06.15

We are objecting to this application for a new driveway and access to Swain Road as we believe there will be safety implications due to the fact that the driveway exit is on an “S” bend and sight lines are poor in both directions. This section of Swain Road lies outside St Michaels’ 30mph speed restriction zone, with driving speeds likely to be much higher than this.

In addition, the application document (Section 3) states that works have not yet started, however there has already been substantial clearing of mature oak trees and root grubbing as shown in the photos below. Section 15 of the planning document states that a tree survey is not required, however there is an existing copse running along the road perimeter, so existing trees will be impacted by this proposed development.

15/00607/AS Little Harbourne, Harbourne Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6SJ - New Entrance and Driveway

Above image taken from the other side of the Swain Road, looking North and East – showing approx. 5m clearing cut through existing copse

15/00607/AS Little Harbourne, Harbourne Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6SJ - New Entrance and Driveway

Above image is taken on site side of the road, looking West. The curve of the road is visible, going up the hill to the A28.

Further to my previous email regarding the above planning application, please find attached two further photos illustrating the existing site lines to the proposed new entrance.

15/00607/AS Little Harbourne, Harbourne Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6SJ - New Entrance and Driveway

The above image is looking up (west) Swain Road, showing road bend to the right.

15/00607/AS Little Harbourne, Harbourne Lane, Tenterden, Kent, TN30 6SJ - New Entrance and Driveway

The above image is looking down (east) Swain Road, showing curve to the left and then sharp bend to the right.

The junction with Harbourne Lane on the left can just be seen.

I would like to add a note to our previous comments, if the 30 mph speed restriction were to be extended to include this section of road, the safety of this proposal would be improved.

Link to planning details: http://planning.ashford.gov.uk/Planning/details.aspx?systemkey=100765&pageindex=0

Posted by Planning Committee
Thursday 4th June 2015

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