14/01420/AS – Land south and east of, Tilden Gill Road, Tenterden, Kent

TDRA: Objection submitted 27.11.2014

I am writing on behalf of the TDRA, to object to this planning application for up to 100 dwellings. This would be a complete disregard of previous agreements with the Council for the towns Core Strategy, limiting growth within Tenterden to the circa 450 dwellings to be located on the TENT 1A and B sites abutting Smallhythe Road until at least 2030.

There are no effective proposals to upgrade the local infrastructure, mitigate the probable impact of the additional cars on local traffic and parking and expansion to community services. This is not what a majority of local residents want. The Council should keep to their promises or risk losing residents’ trust and support.

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Thursday 27th November 2014

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