The TDRA have been made aware that the Tenterden Town Council (TDRA) planning committee voted recently to support a proposal to offer the Wates Site to develop 240 houses to Ashford Borough Council (ABC) surplus to the requirements of ABC’s Local Plan. The reasoning behind this offer is to have the developer fund the cost of developing the 5/6 football pitches that were proposed in the recent regeneration report (originally to be funded from the £3.5 million incoming money from the sale of TTC land).
As far as we are aware this proposal appears to have been approved without any proper public consultation and assumes the local residents would support this controversial idea.
There is a counter proposal to this, designating much of this land as a ‘green space’ for locals residents to enjoy now and in the future. We will be uploading this report to the website shortly for your information.
We are very disappointed and shocked at TTCs approach to this controversial and high impact proposal and will be very active in fighting such plans. We do need your support in this and would request that as many of our members as possible attend the next TTC meeting on 29 August to express their thoughts on this.