Tenterden Leisure Centre

Tenterden Leisure Centre

Attached for members’ information is the exchange of correspondence with Ashford Borough Council. The TDRA Committee is concerned that the Leisure Centre pool remains closed and there is a bizarre situation whereby Ashford Borough Council believe the pool is safe to operate, yet Tenterden Leisure Trust, and the operators, Serco, are convinced the opposite is the case.

In our view it is in the interest of all parties to sit down and determine a solution in the publlic interest. Unfortunately this is not happening and the prospect of the pool being open again to the public does not look like it will happen any time soon.

It is difficult to see that Ashford Borough Council’s decision to give notice of removing funding to the Leisure Centre announced in their briefing of 13th February (see link below) helps to reach a negotiated solution.

Link: https://www.ashford.gov.uk/news/latest-news/tenterden-leisure-centre-swimming-pool-closure/ (link opens in new window)

Download: TDRA letter to ABC re Tenterden Leisure Centre (PDF, opens in new window)

Download: ABC letter to TDRA re Tenterden Leisure Centre (PDF, opens in new window)

Posted by Howard Burnside
Tuesday 21st February 2023

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