TENT 1A – The Latest

TENT 1A – The Latest

Following approval of the TENT 1A application by Ashford Borough Council (ABC) just under a year ago, much has been happening behind the scenes. All relevant parties (Local Authority, landowners and banks) have approved the Section 106 Agreement. This is a legal agreement which details the steps necessary to make a development proposal acceptable in planning terms and is drafted when it is considered that a development will have a significant impact on the local area which can be modified by means of ‘developers contributions’ towards highway and community infrastructure investment.

For those who wish to apply for money from the Community Infrastructure Levy, it will be required that a proper business case is submitted in support of the claim. Tenterden Town Council (TTC) should be contacted for further advice on this.

Amendments to the Tenterden Leisure Centre lease permitting access to the TENT 1A site via Recreation Ground Road have been agreed by all parties.

The part of the site not owned by Taylor Wimpey is currently being marketed to developers by Batcheller Monkhouse and will have space for 138 residential units. The money from the sale of the ‘Wild Flower Meadow’ will go to TTC when completed. Taylor Wimpey will develop the remaining area of land and are expected to build 112 residential units. The building programme is not known yet.

We will endeavour to keep members updated on the TENT 1A development as much as possible over the coming months.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Sunday 13th September 2015

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