TDRA Donation to “Helping in Tenterden” Initiative

TDRA Donation to “Helping in Tenterden” Initiative

We are pleased to advise our members that we have donated £1,000 towards the emergency assistance being provided to Tenterden residents through the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Town Council, in co-ordination with St. Mildred’s and others, was quick to mobilise the “Helping in Tenterden” volunteer force to assist those in the town who are in urgent need of assistance with food or medicines, or just cannot get out of their homes and need help with access to basic supplies.

The strength of the town has meant that there has been an impressive show of volunteers, but as funding is always limited in such circumstances, we are pleased to have made a small contribution to help our most vulnerable residents.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Wednesday 15th April 2020

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