TDRA Appraisal and Criteria for Selection of Potential Development Sites 2008

TDRA Appraisal and Criteria for Selection of Potential Development Sites 2008

In 2008 TDRA drew up Guiding Principles and a detailed list of ‘Criteria for Selection of Development Sites’ prior to participation in a Community Workshop organised by Ashford Borough Council as part of the preparation of the Tenterden and Rural Sites Development Plan Document (DPD).

The Criteria were drawn up taking account specifically of the situation in Tenterden and do not necessarily reflect guidelines published by other organisations either locally or nationally and were not intended for use outside of Tenterden. These Criteria were circulated to all participants at the first workshop in January 2008 and have subsequently been on display at TDRA coffee mornings, TDRA AGM and at a display/ exhibition at the Town Hall organized by the Town Council.

The workshop in 2008 was the first of a series during the course of preparation by ABC of the DPD and included representatives of local community groups. Participating public bodies and local community groups involved included (not exhaustive) in no particular order:

  • Tenterden Town Council (TTC)
  • Homewood School
  • Tenterden Primary School
  • Ivy Court
  • Tenterden Improved
  • Tenterden & District Residents’ Association (TDRA)
  • Rotary Club
  • Ashford Borough Council (ABC) Planning Department

Link: TDRA Preliminary Assessment of Sites 2008 (PDF, 133Kb)
Link: TDRA Criteria for selection of Development Sites 2008 (PDF, 128Kb)

Many of these sites were considered by ABC for the Local Plan to 2030 with the public’s comments gathered online.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Tuesday 17th October 2017

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