Residents’ Association AGM

Residents’ Association AGM

Tenterden & District Residents’ Association are holding their Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 11th May, 7:30pm at St. Mildred’s Church Hall, Church Road, Tenterden. The guest speaker is Councillor Justin Nelson, who will be talking about his experiences in several organisations and the importance of voluntary work.

There have been a number of controversial issues for the Tenterden area recently which TDRA take an active interest in and some of the subjects which are likely to be raised at the meeting include:

  • Tilden Gill planning decision
  • Use of proceeds from sale of Tent1 land
  • Proposed cinema for Tenterden
  • Transparency at Tenterden Town Council

Refreshments will be available and all are welcome at what should be a lively and interesting meeting.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Wednesday 4th May 2016

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