Proposed destruction of ancient trees and bank by developer Redrow – Tilden Gill, Tenterden

Proposed destruction of ancient trees and bank by developer Redrow – Tilden Gill, Tenterden

Dear members,

We aware of the great anger of residents to the potential destruction of such valuable ecological assets (above). We have also been made aware by residents of the apparent lack of response by the current ABC Tree Officer to requests for TPOs to be undertaken for veteran/notable trees. Please see below our recent letter to Tenterden Town Council and Ashford Borough Council on behalf of residents:

We are writing on behalf of local residents to express a great anger regarding the apparent lack of regard of the importance of Tenterden’s biodiversity and wildlife on behalf of the developer Redrow and Ashford Borough Council (including the current Tree Officer for this area). It has come to our attention that the developer, Redrow of the ongoing housing development at Tilden Gill has threatened to remove a line of significant ancient coppice and bank including a potential veteran Oak Tree (estimated to be over 300 years old – see attached photos) nearby a Badger Sett, to allow for scaffolding to be erected to build a garage. This strip of landscape should be considered a precious and vital wildlife buffer between the housing development and the Kiln Field area which is rich in wildlife.

This current pandemic has reminded everyone how important our precious green spaces are, and the importance of stopping the continual erosion of them. They are critical to the health and wellbeing of the community.

We request that Ashford Borough Council, Redrow and the Tenterden Town Council take our letter in to account and put a stop to this proposed destruction immediately. We also want to be reassured that in future such proposals will be acted upon, to stop further destruction of our green spaces and wildlife.

Siggi Nepp
Planning Secretary – Tenterden and District Residents Association (TDRA)

We are actively pursuing a positive outcome and will update the website soon on progress.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Wednesday 20th January 2021

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