PA/2023/1374 at The Vicarage, Church Road, Tenterden, Ashford, Kent TN30 6AT
I am writing to strongly object to this planning application on behalf of the Tenterden and District Residents’ Association (TDRA) for the following reasons:
- This site is not a recognised development site in the Ashford Local Plan 2030;
- The proposal will result in loss of amenities such as valuable green space (Glebe Field) and a much-used community building (Glebe Hall);
- The proposal would be contrary to planning policy as it lies within a Grade I listed curtilage of St Mildreds Church a historically important site for the Town, adversely impacting a listed building that has cultural and architectural value to the community.
- The proposal would not be in keeping with the context or scale of the area, as it borders the AONB adjacent to much used and valued landscape.
- It would have a negative impact on a conservation area;
- It would have a layout and density that is inappropriate for this site, particularly the size of the houses and the scale of the proposed parking facility;
- It would create a precedent making it difficult to object to similar proposals;
- It would impact environmental health, a conservation area and the AONB with a loss of habitat and green space.
- Disappointingly, there is no offer of any mitigation to the loss of green space and community amenity, e.g. Biodiversity Net Gain, the Glebe field which is currently owned by the applicant could be offered as a community wildlife habitat/ park to benefit the Town.
- It would contravene the following policies in the Reg 16 Draft Tenterden Neighbourhood Plan: TEN NP3 a, d, e, g & TEN NP4 c, d
- It would have a negative impact on Church Road with increased traffic congestion from the proposed car park and additional houses. The road is already very narrow and congested and the Hub requires access for minibuses and disabled passengers throughout the weekdays.
Siggi Nepp
Planning Secretary
Posted by Siggi Nepp
Monday 27th November 2023
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