Looking at future growth for Tenterden

Looking at future growth for Tenterden

Tenterden Town Council invite you to attend the presentation of the Tenterden Destination Management Plan.

The Tenterden Destination Management Plan

The Tenterden Destination Management Plan (DMP) will be presented by Seren Welch to the Town Council Tourism and Business sub-committee on Thursday 21st June, 7pm at the Town Hall.

What is a DMP?

Great destinations are great places to live and work as well as to visit. If they are well managed, they are more likely to generate ‘wise growth’ in their visitor economy, maximising the benefits of that growth in long term, additional income and jobs. The best-managed destinations can also attract new investment, keep value-added jobs, bring in new talent and stimulate innovation.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Sunday 17th June 2018

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