Limes Land Public Consultation Event: Update
Dear Members
I attended this event and have taken some photos of the boards for those who could not make it (see bottom of this post). Generally, it appeared well attended with some well-informed questioning from local residents, particularly concerning planned works for:
- Ecology Measures
- Surface Water treatment/Strategy
- Sewage Strategy
- Traffic Calming Strategy
- Parking Provision
- Ongoing Maintenance Strategy
Responses that I heard are listed below:
- No planned ecology works until Spring next year.
- Any further mowing or disruptive activities will only take place once the appropriate ecological translocation measures have been undertaken.
- Surface water will be managed using collection ponds around the site to ensure that there is no additional surface water drainage to current levels. Underground drainage pipes along Appledore Road will be cleared of debris/roots.
- Parking is planned for the new sport facility (see plans) but is not currently offered for users of the ‘Country Park.’
- House owners will be expected to pay a fee to cover ongoing maintenance of the grounds.
Other points made by local residents:
- A suggestion that the developer replaces the name Country Park with Wildlife Park to emphasise its ecological importance.
- Wates’ drainage/swale plans should be superimposed on plans showing root protection areas for an idea how they literally cut across each other.
- The Drove Road: concern raised regarding the swale, path and road running over the area of the Drove Road and Paul Dadswell (Vistry) said it would be churned up. Fortunately, Ben Baillie intervened and said he was unaware there was a Drove Road on site and it should be offered protection, so they will amend the plan to do this. I raised concerns over other archaeological features too. I suggested they look at the heritage reports from both planning applications, and also look at the Neighbourhood Plan.
- Crate drainage/soakaway system: They no longer propose to have the large crates in the ground as it is heavy clay so won’t drain away. They also stated it’s too expensive and the need to streamline costs.
- Trees – I stated that they should refrain from cutting down trees as they are landscape features which will soften the development. Also questioned the difference between 10% of trees being felled and 10% of groups of trees – they couldn’t answer. They’ve confirmed all large trees will be retained, apart from the one on Appledore Road. Also raised concerns regarding the root protection area (RPA) for the ancient field maple – T381 and they will dig by hand around this tree.
- Raised concerns re the roads near the dark zone areas around parts of the boundary areas and the negative impact on bats. Stated that headlights will deter bats and will affect bat roosts. They vaguely mentioned mitigation!
- I explained to them that the majority of wildlife was on the western side of the site, and it was there for a reason. Moving species to the opposite side of the site would probably impact the population of GCN and reptiles.
- Raised the second potential badger sett again and dormice. Following my email on the planning portal, and also the one from KWT, they now have 25 boxes for dormice.
- They stated it’s too expensive to fill in the bomb crater so leaving it as a pond/ depression.
- No flats now, only houses now.
- Paul tried to tell me that Tenterden has a quota for development set by the government and I told him it was incorrect to say this. I stated it was a borough wide target as per the Local Plan.
Vistry has confirmed it will be years before houses are built as the ‘Country Park’ and pitches have to be delivered first.
- Asked why they call the ‘Country Park’ a ‘Country Park’ as it doesn’t meet the minimum size or criteria to be called a country park. He suggested that residents rename it.
- Highlighted the issues with the LEMP and raised concerns regarding hibernacula etc.
TDRA will be monitoring progress closely and taking up concerns of residents directly.
TDRA Committee
Posted by Siggi Nepp
Friday 6th October 2023
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