Cinema and Cultural Hub Focus Group

Cinema and Cultural Hub Focus Group

A meeting of the Town Council External Committee took place on 3rd April, where permission and funding of £9,300 was being sought to facilitate Phase 2 of the plan for a cinema. This Phase would enable Craigmount Consultants to give a detailed appraisal of the five possible sites. It was well attended by the Focus Group members, as well as Alan Bates, Ian Marsden and Carol Parkin from our TDRA committee.

Tom Evans and Chris Head, who had played a key role in producing the briefing paper for the meeting, spoke and Alan Bates reinforced the case for Stage 2 of the process.
As chairman, councillor Mike Carter spoke in favour of the proposal and, despite some negative comments, the proposal was passed unanimously.

The next hurdle will be on Monday, 23rd April when the decision has to be ratified by the full Council. It is not unheard of for a committee’s decision to fail at this meeting, so it is vital that any interested party should attend to provide support for Stage 2 of the cinema project.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Thursday 5th April 2018

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