A step forward for Tenterden Cinema

A step forward for Tenterden Cinema

Following Councillor Clokie’s comments at the External Planning meeting held on 12th November, it was decided by councillors that a newly formed project sub-committee would first have to give the go ahead to a Pre-planning Application for The Pebbles building before the Full Building Feasibility Study could be undertaken.

This sub-committee met on 20th November, where they unanimously agreed to recommend that the Council should commission Burrell Foley Fischer to make this application to Ashford Borough Council.

At the full Council meeting on 10th December, their decision was ratified. This means that the above mentioned firm of architects will now make this application. It is hoped that on a favourable outcome from that application the Council will feel more reassured to approve a Full Building Feasibility Study for The Pebbles as a boutique cinema.

Posted by Siggi Nepp
Friday 21st December 2018

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